The Vitruvian Man, Leonardo da Vinci

Icioulabas offers a concierge service for seasonal rentals.

What we can do for our guests

Quickly respond to your emails and phone calls,
Give you information and advice on the place of your stay,
Inform you about your payments, your deposits,
Accommodate you,
Come to your rescue for possible minor repairs,
Take care of the household,
Customize your stay,

What we can do for homeowners

Help you in interior design,
Guide you in adapting your home for rental use,
Find artisans and service providers,
Follow for you the works and operations,
Coordinate the steps of classification and labelization of your vacation home,
Help you define rental rates,
Advise you on tax matters,
Take photographs from the right angle,
Choose the right internet seasonal rental platforms,
Manage announcement on platforms and on,
Quickly respond to emails and phone calls,
Write and manage leases,
Prepare the arrival, accompany the stay of your hosts,
Update availability calendars,
Manage payments, deposits, tourist taxes,
Write and update the welcome booklet,
Collect feedback from your tenants, consider them, keep you informed,
Follow the actions of the service providers on a daily basis,
Organize regular maintenance,
Improve the wifi coverage of your home,
Take care of your internet , water, gas and electricity subscriptions,
Buy a pile of wood, sore it,
Manage small jobs,
Buy a christmas tree, find two glasses identical to the other 10,

And, if you wish, what you can do for us

Talk to your friends of ,
Share your experience on the guestbook, or on the platform by which you found us,
Follow icioulabas on facebook and instagram social networks
And of course, appeal to us for your own seasonal accommodations!


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