We are a whole team to listen to you, to inform you, to welcome you, to clean your house, to shovel the snow, to mow the lawn, to bring in wood, to change a light bulb and more.
We are the owners of the seasonal character accommodations that you will find on this site or the providers of these owners.
We are Andrée, Anne, Anne-Marie, Bruno, Catherine, Cécile, Cédric, Dominique, Dominique, Folly, Gérard, Jean-François, Mathilde, Nathalie, Olivier, Pierre, Pierre-Emmanuel, Solange, …
We are here and there and we are all delighted to see you there, Anne particularly. Anne is the manager of the micro-enterprise icioulabas.
A small Curriculum Vitae of Anne ?
Anne has been a dance teacher, interviewer, executive secretary, HRD, and now entrepreneur.
She lived in Toulouse, Africa, Toulouse, America, Toulouse, Burgundy …
She renovated 4 houses and gave tips for renovations of several others.
From the teacher she kept patience and pedagogy.
From the interviewer, she kept her smile on the phone and her ability to connect with unknowns.
The executive secretary cultivates her sense of organization, even in complex situations.
HRD has an iron hand in a velvet glove. Its fairness is appreciated by service providers.
The renovator remains very effective with the artisans.
The decorator has acquired a certain exigency to define what is authentic and beautiful.
The globetrotter speaks fluent , is open to different ways of seeing the world while remaining attached to her roots.
In general, we can say that Anne is attentive to others, vigilant to what is right, sensitive to what is beautiful.
To summarize, today’s micro-entrepreneur has acquired the ability to manage complex human and material situations with benevolence and good humor.
Photography : webmaster.